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We need you! Join PTO today!

PTO: FUNDRAISING, FUNDAMENTALS, AND FUN! Help us and you'll help your child succeed at school! Please get involved!  We need " YOU and YOUR" ideas!  
or like us on Facebook at Carberry Elementary PTO

*What are some of the fundraising events held at Carberry?      
"Carberry Kids" HUSKIE T-SHIRTS AND HOODIES - Grab some gear for Huskie Friday!   
They are sold at the school. T-Shirts are $10.00 and the Hoodies are $30.00. T-shirts are X-Small to Large Hoodie sizes are Small to Large    
*Annual Chocolate Fundraiser & Vertical Raise Online Donation - Oct. 17th - 27th
This is our biggest fundraiser for our PTO. The fundraiser starts on October, 17th and runs through October 27th. We will have an assembly on the 17th. Students will bring home a flyer and permission slip to be signed for students to check out a box of chocolate.  Students will sell $1 chocolate bars. Our goal is to raise $21,000 to help fund our school field trip bussing expenses, playground equipment, student incentives and classroom needs. 
*Carberry's Got Talent Show and Silent Auction - February 23rd
Carberry's Got Talent is a fundraiser that is specifically for our playground needs. We are raising funds to fix the areas around the swing set with drainage and curbing. Helping our children find what they are good at and showcasing, that is our goal. The fundraiser allows our students to shine. Acts may include family and friends, however, one child from each act must be a student of Carberry. Get creative and stay tuned for "Try Outs" If you are interested in helping please text Kary Ann Murphree at (805)-769-0159. We will need a small army of volunteers to pull this off again! 
*DO PARENTS HAVE A VOICE IN HOW THE MONEY IS SPENT? returning surveys, attending meetings, talking to board members, or sending ideas and suggestions via e-mail, parents share their opinions and priorities. 
*WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? (AMOUNTS ARE APPROXIMATE)   $3000 to grade levels, departments, and teachers to use for special supplies and books not provided by families or the school, incentives, and terms that promote student achievement and engagement.   $3000 for field trip transportation.   $1200 for enrichment assemblies    $1000 for school-wide recognition, and $1000.00 for the schools' discretionary account to use as needed. $1500 for teacher appreciation and recognition  
In addition to fundraising, Carberry PTO arranges luncheons and meals to be brought in for staff during parent-teacher conferences. Look for an email to sign up for items needed. 
The staff at Carberry School appreciates all the work and effort of the PTO and want to thank each of you for your service and willingness to support your children and the staff at Carberry School!